Monday, October 28, 2013


Hello astronauts! 
Planet Kepler 10-b, discovered by NASA's Kepler mission
What is a PLANET? They are bodies that: 

- are spherical or almost spherical
- turn around a star
- can atract other bodies

Other bodies:

- DWARF PLANETS: They are spherical but they are smaller and they do not attract other bodies.
Dwarf planets, and their sizes compared with planet Earth

- SATELLITES: They are bodies that turn around planets. For example: moon, titan...
In the following picture you can find different "moons" in the solar system, look how big are Jupiter's satellites:
Different satellites in the Solar System

- COMETS: They are icy small bodies that travel showing a tail.

In the following video, you can find information about Halley's Comet, the most famous periodic comet:

- ASTEROIDS: They are rocky bodies with a variable size; from few metres to several kilometres.

When asteroids enter into atmosphere, they are called METEORITES. 

Look this amazing video about a meteor in Russia, which was seen on February, 15th 2013 in Russia. 1500 people injured by the expansive wave.

Are you afraid of meteorites? :O

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