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Remember, STARS are spheres with its own light and energy.
The energy is produced by NUCLEAR FUSION: At very high temperature, hydrogen joins to hydrogen and the reaction produces energy (lignt and heat) and Hellium:
There are different type of stars:
- with different Color, according to its temperature:
- with different Size, (Dwarfs, Medium, Giants and Supergiants)
Check the stars size comparison in this video:
- with different Bright, according to the distance, the size and the temperature.
Our star, THE SUN:
This extraordinary video looks back on the 3rd year of operation of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. Since its launch in 2010, SDO's data and imagery have exceeded everyone's hopes and expectations, providing stunningly detailed views of the sun. The observatory has continued to return breathtaking pictures and movies of eruptive events on the sun. These images are more than just pretty. By highlighting different wavelengths of light, scientists can track how material on the sun moves. Such movement, in turn, holds clues as to what causes these giant explosions.
SDO is the first mission in a NASA's Living With a Star program, the goal of which is to develop the scientific understanding necessary to address those aspects of the sun-Earth system that directly affect our lives and society.
Do you know that each constellation of zodiac has different stars? For example, in Capricorn the main star is called ALGEDI.
Which is your zodiacal sign and what is your main star?
Monday, October 14, 2013
Unit 1 - The Universe - The galaxies and our galaxy: the Milky Way
Hello space explorers!
Galaxies are systems composed by stars, gases and dust. Examples of galaxies range from dwarfs gallaxies, with as few as ten million stars (10^7) to giants galaxies, with a hundred trillion stars (10^14).
They are normally spiral, eliptical or irregular. The only difference between the three is what shape they are.
The Local Group There are billions of galaxies in our Universe. Most of these are clumped together in small groups. Our own galaxy which is called The Milky Way Galaxy lies within a group of galaxies that we call The Local Group.
The Local Group consists of about 30 galaxies. The three largest are The Andromeda Galaxy, The Milky Way Galaxy, and Triangulum.
Our galaxy, the Milky Way:
- Diameter: 100 000 light years
- Thickness: 1 light-yea
- Number of stars: 400 billion.
Time-lapse captured in Dakota (USA). Ten seconds of the video is about 2 hours 20 minutes in real time.
One question: if Milky Way is spiral, why do we see it lineal?